
Helpers are utils that are meant to be used mostly in component templates.


each(collection, onItem, onEmpty)

each will make your iterations in template a breeze. It takes care of unique keys for each element, as well as simplify the syntax.

It takes 3 arguments:

  • collection - an array of something

  • onItem(item, index) - callback which will be used for each item in the collection

  • onEmpty - optional - ReactNode that will be returned in case the collection is empty.



import Component from "@wazapp/component";
import { each } from '@wazapp/helpers'

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
  phrases = ['Maciej', 'was', 'here'];

  template({ name }) {
    return (
        {this.phrases.map((phrase) => (
          <li key={phrase}>


import Component from "@wazapp/component";
import { each } from '@wazapp/helpers'

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
  phrases = ['Maciej', 'was', 'here'];

  template({ name }) {
    return (
        {each(this.phrases, (phrase) => (

when(condition, ifTrue, ifFalse)

when is simple if statement which does not require to return null as false case.

It takes 3 arguments:

  • condition

  • ifTrue - value when true

  • ifFalse - value when false



import Component from "@wazapp/component";
import { when } from '@wazapp/helpers'

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
  template({ name }) {
    return (
        {name === 'Maciej' ? (
          <h1>Hi Maciej</h1>
        ) : null}


import Component from "@wazapp/component";
import { when } from '@wazapp/helpers'

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
  template({ name }) {
    return (
        {when(name === 'Maciej', (
          <h1>Hi Maciej</h1>)


Exposes: https://github.com/JedWatson/classnames

yieldChildren(children, ...args)

yieldChildren allows you to return component's children or in case the children is a function, it will allow you to call it with custom arguments.


  • children: ReactNode | Function

  • ...args: any[] - your custom arguments that will be used on children call (if children is a function)

Last updated

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